25 May 2009

Welcome and Thanks!

Hey all!

Thanks so much for reading my first post!!! I am getting super excited for this upcoming adventure. I have begun packing today and it is a lot of work! Packing for two years and cold weather is somewhat overwhelming... My mom and I have been working at it all day and I am still not done. It doesn't help that when I moved home from Gainesville, I unloaded all of my boxes onto a bed... absolutely no organization. Oh my!

As I mentioned in my email, this blog will give you some insight about what I am up to in Armenia. I do not know how much email or internet access I will have, so I do not know how much I will be able to post. I hope to post a lot, but who knows!

As I have told some of you, I will be working in the environmental education sector. What that entails depends on the site I am assigned to.

My assignment description says:
I may be involved in many different activities, within a school, NGO, or the wider Armenian community. I am assuming that with my educational background, I will be placed in a school system. But then again, it is the PC so I cannot be too sure.
In general, I will be involved in the following activities:
• Designing and implementing environmental education programs and workshops for schools, teacher training centers, and community centers.
• Assisting science teachers in strengthening environmental content in classes
• Developing and implementing informal environmental educational opportunities, including camps, birdwatching groups, environmental monitoring groups, and after-school clubs.
My duties may also include:
• Developing curriculum and resources
• Establishing resource centers focusing on EE
• Raising awareness about the environment and promoting pro-environmental behaviors
• Helping/supporting other volunteers to integrate the environment
• Working with youth to promote an environmentally friendly lifestyle

It also says that I will probably spend my two years just explaining the concept of environmental education, which is kinda funny because I do that now... :)

There are also many secondary projects that I can take up. I already know that I am interested in the gender and development. Reading about Armenia, I know that I will be facing gender stereotypes. Knowing that there is a possibility that I can work on gender issues makes me feel as though I will be able to help counteract some of what I will encounter.

Now that you know what I will be doing, how long will I be there?

Glad you asked...
Fly out of Tampa to Philadelphia: May 28, 2009
Staging: May 28- 29, 2009
Fly from JFK to Vienna, Austria: May 29- 30, 2009- 10 hour layover in Vienna!!!
Fly from Vienna to Yerevan: May 30- 31, 2009- arrive at 4:30 am!
Pre-Service Training: June 1- August 6, 2009*
Dates of Service: August 6, 2009- August 7, 2011*
*dates are subject to change
These dates are already changing, in the new package that I received, the Swearing in Ceremony is scheduled for August 13th (which pushes back the service dates by almost a week). Typical PC fashion... that is why I am flexible!

So now that you know kinda what I will be doing and the dates for my training and service, please let me know if you have any more questions!

Again, I really appreciate you reading my blogs! I hope you enjoy the posts. Please feel free to comments and if you have a blog, let me know. I can make a link to my blog!


Shirl said...

Rani, I'm excited for you. I'll try to keep up. Share the knowledge!

Anonymous said...

Love you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl, What an exciting 2 years you have in store. I am soooooo proud of you and all that you have accomplished up to this point and can't wait to hear about you new adventures. We all love you and wiah you the best. Love ya Kiddo. Claudia and Dave