04 January 2014

Happy New Year!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Looking back at 2013, I have had a fantastic year! And looking in to 2014, it seems to be a pretty great year with some plans being made for upcoming trips and visits!

I wrote this in Feburary of 2010:
"Also, with this time, I have created my five-year plan. Hopefully, after PC I will travel through India and Southeast Asia, go home for a couple of months, and then take a job teaching in an international school or with the Department of Defense School System! Who knows!"

First, I am astonished that I wrote that (almost) 4 years ago, I am even more astonished that what I put in writing is what I am doing and have done (travel, go home, and then go teach abroad).  Four years ago Me was pretty prophetic. Now if current Me could see the next 5 years, that would be helpful! Hehe. Maybe add some Lotto numbers in there too...

The next five years I dont see changing much in terms of jobs or traveling.  I fully expect to keep teaching internationally and traveling on breaks. China for the foreseeable future but after that, its pretty open.  It is comfortable to have a job that affords such opportunity.

Another piece in that post was a bucket list I started.  I mentally started it before I went in to Peace Corps, finally wrote it down in that blog, but decided to revisit this list for this coming year.

Turning 30 this year (eek!) and looking back on the last 30 years, I have been pretty fortunate. Every time I visit a new country, I add more countries to my list so I think including places or countries is too hard.  I will keep what I have already down on there but there are a few other things I want to add to my list now.

So now I have updated the previous list and crossed off things that I have finished.  Some of these look like New Years resolutions but they aren't only for this year.  They are life things to do. They include:
  • Be happy.  This article says that we need to choose to be happy and strive for it through my emotions, activities, and those I surround myself with.
  • Get healthier.  The older I get and the older those around me get, I realize how much more important this is.   
  • Be nice.
  • Learn Mandarin.  Simple to say, harder to do, but worth it.
  • Be better about staying in contact with friends.  Even with social media sites, skype, email, and my blog, it is still hard to keep up with people but when I do, I feel so much better.  So I need to be better with that.
  • Below is the updated list from PC.
    • Get Masters Degree
    • Peace Corps
    • Backpack Europe
    • Spend every birthday in new country (probably not possible every year- but something to strive towards) (almost every year since, a few times have been in the same country but haven't had a birthday in America since 2007 maybe?)
    • Swim in every ocean, yes even the Arctic, I am thinking off the north coast of Alaska?
    • Visit every continent (So far Europe, Asia, and North America are crossed off.  Still need: Australia, South America, Africa, and Antarctica)
    • Visit Hawaii and Alaska
    • Take an Alaskan cruise
    • Get certified in diving
    • Dive the Great Barrier Reef
    • See a World Cup Football Match
    • Go to an Olympic sport
    • Learn Spanish fluently
    • Travel to every country in Central America
    • Write out a life Bird List
    • Take a road trip from Florida to Alaska
    • Macchu Picchu in Peru
    • Ayers Rock
    • Backpack India
    • Teach in another country, not including PC
    • Learn to appreciate wine
    • Run with the bulls in Spain
    • Participate in the tomato fight (Spain?)
    • Go on an African safari
    • Route 66
    • Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, and Mt Rushmore
    • Get more tattoos!
    • Whale watching
    • Spend a month in the United Kingdom
    • Travel around Greece
    • Swim with Sharks off the coast of South Africa
    • See Silverback Gorillas in the wild
    • World Wildlife Fund trip
    • Go to a Super Bowl game
    • Be involved in Girl Scouts
    • Never have regrets!
  • Other things to add:
    • Dive with whale sharks
    • Visit Maldives and go diving
    • Travel around Australia for a month or more

 There are so many more countries or experiences that I would like to add to my list but I dont know if that is necessary.  I might add more later...  Its cool to see your goals/desires written out and crossing them off when you accomplish the task or experience. 

With that, I will end by saying I hope you have a wonderful 2014! Much love!